


In 2022, the 美国医院协会 (AHA) reported there had been a 120% increase in 旅行护士 positions in the United 状态s over the previous three years. 特别需要专门从事分娩和分娩的旅行护士, as noted in reports from the healthcare staffing organizations Triage 和 AMN 医疗保健 in 2023 和 2024, 分别.

考虑参加的人士 护理学院 探索选择什么样的职业, the growth of travel nursing — particularly for those who work in labor 和 delivery — could make it a great choice. 在决定成为一名分娩和分娩旅行护士之前, 然而, 未来的护士应该更多地了解这份工作需要什么样的工作, 它需要的技能, 以及其持续增长的前景.


Travel nurses fill temporary positions in hospitals 和 other healthcare facilities as well as in home-based care. 在不同的美国工作.S. 在城市或其他国家,这些护士填补了以下级别的职位:

  • 执业护士(LPN)或执业护士(LVN),提供基本护理

  • 注册护士(RN),协调和提供病人护理

  • 执业护士(NP),提供许多与医生相同的服务

Labor 和 delivery 旅行护士s are 旅行护士s who focus specifically on caring for women 和 newborns 在分娩过程中 和 immediately following delivery.


旅行护士可能一次离家工作几天或几周, 或者他们可能会在一个特定的地方呆上几个月或几年. Those who specialize in labor 和 delivery can work in any of a broad range of settings to care for women 和 their newborns before, 在, 分娩后. 


  • 医院产房 

  • 门诊医疗设施 

  • 生产中心 

  • 私人妇产科诊所 

  • 私人住宅


Labor 和 delivery 旅行护士s help guide 和 support women 在 the process of giving birth, 提供早期分娩到产后护理. 一旦婴儿出生,这些护士也专注于照顾新生儿. They spend most of their time with patients, often providing care 在 multiple births in a day. 

大多数分娩和分娩旅行护士都有相同的一般责任. 有些人还可能有其他更专业的职责, focused on the different stages of childbirth or on the procedures performed 在 the process, 这取决于他们工作的设施和设施的人员需求. 


While their specific tasks can vary according to factors like state regulations or the level of the nurse - LPN / LVN, RN, 或NP — the work of labor 和 delivery 旅行护士s typically centers on some key responsibilities. 他们的一般职责如下:

  • 监测分娩和分娩期间妇女和新生儿的生命体征

  • 协助给药,引产,硬膜外麻醉

  • 识别并发症并协助治疗

  • 分娩时宫缩的定时

  • 在分娩和分娩期间指导妇女

  • 协助剖宫产手术

  • 教育妇女母乳喂养

  • 为新妈妈提供护理,直到她们离开医疗机构

  • Reporting to other medical professionals about the status of the mother’s 和 the baby’s condition


Labor 和 delivery 旅行护士s who work in roles focused on antepartum care are responsible for monitoring the health of the mother 和 baby just before delivery. Nurses who work in antepartum care h和le tasks such as regularly assessing the mother’s labor status 和 blood pressure as well as the baby’s pulse.


在某些情况下, medical facilities need labor 和 delivery 旅行护士s to assist surgeons 在 C-sections. Their work typically includes ensuring that surgeons have the medical instruments required for the procedure.


Labor 和 delivery 旅行护士s who h和le circulating nurse duties also work in operating rooms. 他们在剖腹产过程中照顾母亲.


Travel nurses asked to h和le labor 和 delivery postpartum care are responsible for assisting both the mother 和 the newborn following childbirth. 这项工作可以包括以下任务:

  • 帮忙给婴儿洗澡

  • 帮助母亲哺乳

  • 监测母亲的产后抑郁症状

  • Checking the vital signs of the mother 和 the baby 和 watching for potential complications 


对于分娩和分娩,分配到新生儿托儿所的旅行护士, their work may require them to care for babies while they are in that area 和 away from their mothers. 这项工作的范围从监测他们的生命体征到给他们换尿布.


对于那些有兴趣探索的人 如何成为一名旅行护士 谁专门负责分娩, 这条路取决于护士的水平, LPN / LVN, RN, 或NP, 因为每个人都有不同的教育背景, 经验, 以及认证要求. 然而, there are some critical skills that all labor 和 delivery 旅行护士s should master to excel at their careers. The following skills are among the fundamental capabilities that these nursing professionals should acquire:


Nurses need the ability to determine their patients’ conditions 和 what steps to take to address any complications that arise. 母亲出血过多或新生儿心跳异常, 例如, 可能需要快速行动, so labor 和 delivery 旅行护士s should be skilled at performing regular assessments 和 deciding what types of care their patients require.


对于母亲和她们所爱的人来说,分娩和分娩是一种情感体验. 与这些病人一起工作的旅行护士需要有能力提供情感支持, 包括鼓励和保证, 在分娩过程中.


所有的分娩护士与其他医疗专业人员一起工作. They need to be able to effectively communicate with their colleagues as well as their patients 和 their patients’ families so everyone remains up to date on the conditions 和 needs of the mothers 和 their babies. 旅行护士, good communication is even more important as they work to comply with the policies 和 procedures of the different healthcare facilities where they are working.


所有护士的就业前景都很好,包括旅行护士.S. 劳工统计局(BLS). 劳工统计局预计,2022年至2032年间,注册护士的就业率将增长6%, 与此同时,lpn / lvn的就业率将增长5%. 对于NPs, 增长预测甚至更好, 劳工统计局预计,2022年至2032年间,NPs的就业人数将增加45%. 劳工统计局追踪的所有工作岗位的平均增长率预计为3%.

The nurse staffing challenges that medical facilities 经验d 在 the COVID-19 p和emic continue to create problems. Hospitals 和 other providers are still navigating the disruptions that have left many grappling with increased patient loads, requiring them to hire temporary staff to ensure they can continue to provide high-quality care.


Labor 和 delivery travel nursing offers nurses the opportunity to assist mothers 和 newborns 在分娩过程中 while also helping medical facilities meet their staffing needs. If you are ready to develop the clinical 和 interpersonal skills required to become a labor 和 delivery 旅行护士, 探索 富通的护理学校十大正规赌博平台大全.

实际的护理护理学副学士 十大正规赌博平台大全, Fortis offers those interested in labor 和 delivery travel nursing the opportunity to gain the knowledge 和 h和s-on 经验 they need to start 或者在这个回报丰厚、不断发展的职业中追求进步.


LPN vs. RN:有什么区别?

美国医院协会, “Massive Growth in Expenses 和 Rising Inflation Fuel Continued Financial Challenges for America’s Hospitals 和 Health Systems”
AMN 医疗保健,“2024年旅行护理趋势”
值得信赖的护士人员配置, 《分娩和分娩旅行护士:这份工作需要什么, 工作要求, 以及如何找到L&D旅行护士工作”
U.S. 劳工统计局,执业护士和执业护士
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Nurse Anesthetists, Nurse Midwives, 和 Nurse Practitioners
U.S. 劳工统计局,注册护士
标签: 旅行护士, 护理